If you make Night Elf Sims, you want this post!
The left swatch is for males, the right is for females. Sorry Night Elf Death Knights, I keep forgetting to make your gray. >.< Also, I don't use all the colors in each post - usually either Detonator or Afterburner is left out, depending on how bright the colors seemed. If you passionately want the hair in a color that I skipped, please leave a comment.All these color actions are by Pooklet except for Undine, which is by AlfredAskew. Most of the textures are by Nouk or Pooklet and were put there by Hat, but I'll tell you for each hair where it came from.
Also, I didn't do the side by side comparisons for every single color like I did last time. Hopefully just seeing the hairs in their Sims 2 glory is good enough!