Saturday, May 24, 2014

My custom neighborhood!

OK, so, I've slowed down in conversions and I've been posting up random stuff, because I've been hard at work on my own custom neighborhood. I am finally at a place where I can play and show it off! All the townies are custom-created and represent a spread of all the races represented in Warcraft. Here's some of them in the wild:

A human and a gnome:

A gnome talking to a night elf and blood elf (picture was meant to emphasize the gnome's height):

A troll:

A night elf:

And an orc:

Right now, the main neighborhood lacks tauren, undead, worgen, goblins, and pandaren. Three will get their own vacation neighborhood (goblins - Twiikii, pandaren - Takemizu, worgen - Three Lakes). I'm still working on skins for the tauren and I just haven't gotten around to undead yet. ;)

I'm in the process of moving all my previously-created Sims over to the new neighborhood. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Where did you get the female trolls' hair ? :)
