Friday, January 31, 2014

Feathermoon: Malanie, Kirotei, Lyirdanna, Erimus, Eimhir, Homrend

Dropping off a few more because suddenly holy crap January's over and I'm going to have a lot less time!


Might be a little too Legend of Zelda-y, not sure.

Corri and Gale: Moving in and Myrodan's Birth

Because my own characters need some love.

First off, here's the house I built for them:
It is a fully functional Sims house that reflects both my head canon and the WoW location:
I used invisible walls for the open wall (nelf architecture lol) as well as the bathroom and bedroom area, so it LOOKS open but the Sims won't freak out for lack of rooms.

OK, now story! Gale was out getting the mail when Chelody came by. He started telling her something about bar graphs, I dunno. "My muscle mass has increased steadily while on this new workout regimen!"

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Feathermoon: Yva

 Real quick, for the lulz:

Here's Yva and Niall.
Her runes are all covered up, so I'll have to make her go swimming or something to show them off. Niall is dressed all fancy because he's a LORDLING.

I moved her into an apartment (apartments for nearly everyone so there's room enough for everyone!), and here she is being all sweet with Niall:

BUT apparently her reputation preceded her, because here's this random gaggle of elderly ladies who are protesting her moving in:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Feathermoon: Fun with Height Adjustments

Here's the Bad Idea Trio with all their heights adjusted. Illithias is 8 feet tall, Lorelli is 6'8" or so, and Kyraine is about 6 feet.

Here's a better look at Lorelli and Illithias. They were fighting out back while Raidax was making another Inquisi-sandwich for dinner. He was just minding his own Sim business when he saw it out his window. Lorelli won; that's what the stars spinning above Illi's head mean.

Raidax ran into Shaila while he was out shopping. He's like 6'2", she's 4 feet.

Feathermoon: Raidax

I mentioned before that I've experimented with custom meshing. Well, I've always wanted to do the paladin Judgment set, and Raidax gave me a good excuse to do so. Meshing can be a tricky process - besides getting the 3D model to look right, it has to be linked to the skeleton and all the files and everything, and there are a lot of points where it can go wrong. Like this:

Please, Raidax, do not smite me with your noodly appendages!

I got it worked out last night, though, and here he is!
The game said he needed a last name, so this is now Raidax Inquisisim. And now, we'll have some fun with him. Here are many pictures after the cut because I am so gleeful about my new 3D model.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Feathermoon: Duerma and Kaetta

 Slowed down a touch, as I'm not trying to fill my sad lonely life while Lightlance is gone.

I moved Duerma and Pizmo into a pretty new house that is closer to my head-canon of what their house actually looks like:
Plus, they had been in a neighborhood I made in like 2008 or something, so I had to move them to my new neighborhood. (Old neighborhood was filled with WoW characters who no longer play anymore, and such awkwardness as Tarq still married to Ceil.)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Feathermoon: Kalaalexin, Hinote, Kyraine, Maranwe, Rollandren

A couple more quick ones:


Hinote and Sarah, her daughter:

Kyraine and her dog, Blue:
Wasn't sure what kind of dog Blue was, so I made a black lab. I can always change that! And I'll probably change Ky's outfit to be something more casual, since she cant sheathe the sword and that gets inconvenient when using the bathroom. I picked the armor for this, though, due to Lore's awesome picture she finished last week.

Maranwe & Rollandren's family:
I don't have any good orc hair, so he's wearing a hat.

A few action shots after the jump.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Feathermoon: Dwyndle

Here's Dwyndle, Feathermoon's resident gnomish nun:
 She's watching you sin.

Most of the custom content I download is awesome. Every so often, though, there is a glitch, and hilarity ensues. I gave Dwyndle a job in the Priest career path (her job, amusingly, is cleaning the Cathedral), and the carpool arrived to take her there (the church is next door to her house, but whatever, we don't need your logic in Sims land). Well, somewhere there is a missing skin, which meant that the lady who came to pick Dwyndle up from work was COMPLETELY NAKED.
The juxtaposition of the character, the career, and the bug had me cracking up something fierce. And now I'm off to figure out what went wrong.

(PS: That's Tiberious down at the bottom of the picture, chillaxing and playing chess at Dwyndle's place while she's at work like he belongs there.)

Feathermoon: Illithias, Tarquin, Annalea, and the Thornwoods

A few more - my kids are amused by Sim creation, so churning out Feathermoonies has the added bonus of some quiet time when they're not trying to kill each other.

Here's Illithias and Slade. I need to recolor the burn so it fits the skin tone better and I also need to make it layerable with the nelf face markings, but I think I got pretty close.

They moved in next to Lorelli, though I will probably change that so I can make Illi's arboretum on the balcony.

Here's Tarquin and Annalea:
My five-year-old kept asking me "why does that girl have a beard" on account of Tarq's glorious hair.

And apparently, Tarquin likes birdwatching. I plopped them into the game long enough to get an apartment, and he whipped out the binoculars first thing.

Here are the Thornwoods - Hexerei, Kost, Prayce, and Tiberious. I haven't decided if I will make Tiberious move out and get his own house or not, but I put him there to begin with so they'd have the family relationship without having to get hacky.

Unfortunately, that made the relationship a little TOO familiar - here he is bonding with Kost by tossing the old pigskin around while Hexerei watches:

Feathermoon: Lorelli, Lemuelle, Fenneous, Dorri'tow, Keltyr

A couple more people before I go to bed - just pictures, no story yet, because with small families you really need to have a bunch of people around so they go and visit each other instead of random dumb NPCs. Another couple apartments to fill and we should be in good shape.

Here's a Lorelli:
Needs moar daggers.

 Lorelli's thing is apparently jump-roping. She got the key to the apartment and then suddenly busted out the rope when I thought she was going to check out her new digs:

Here's Lemuelle and Fenneous:
I went in and tweaked their files so they are actually tagged as lycanthropes, so they turn into werewolves around 8PM each night. Will take pix when I have a chance to play that out! Also of note: while Lemuelle's lifelong dream of becoming a general in the Alliance armies kind of makes sense, Fenneous apparently has a secret wish of becoming a world-famous ballet dancer. Who knew, right?

Here are Dorri & Keltyr:
I went with an engineer look for Keltyr - I think he looks like he's going to lob some bombs at you. Dorri's fancy armor is very paladiny, but I know it doesn't necessarily suit her. She also has a sword and shield strapped to her back. Oddly, Dorri's top immediate want is to buy a bubbleblower.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Feathermoon: Florinai Al'Dien

Almost forgot!

Here's Florinai:

She ran into Gale and began telling him of her secret passion for snow skiing:
I am not sure why he is standing like that. Maybe he is jumping up and down in excitement. SNOW SKIING, HECK YEAH!

Feathermoon: Smallwing-Viridiants and Bittertongues

Here are two families from Feathermoon RP server, the Viridiant-Smallwings and the Bittertongues:
Chelody the Night Elf and Shaila the human in the middle. Tobias is the teen boy, Therondy is in the pink dress, Jaina has pigtails and is sitting, and Priscilla has white hair and is standing. The large dog is Mugger and the small one is Neex.
Bricu, Threnn, and their daughter Naiara
Chelody, Shaila, Bricu, and Threnn are all roleplayers and they have awesome families, so I tried to recreate that. I feel like I did well with the first family, but I'm shaky about the second.