Friday, January 31, 2014

Corri and Gale: Moving in and Myrodan's Birth

Because my own characters need some love.

First off, here's the house I built for them:
It is a fully functional Sims house that reflects both my head canon and the WoW location:
I used invisible walls for the open wall (nelf architecture lol) as well as the bathroom and bedroom area, so it LOOKS open but the Sims won't freak out for lack of rooms.

OK, now story! Gale was out getting the mail when Chelody came by. He started telling her something about bar graphs, I dunno. "My muscle mass has increased steadily while on this new workout regimen!"

Prayce and Kost came over too. Gale made everyone sandwiches and gave Corri a smooch when she got home from druiding.

Corrienda doesn't care about silly things like "modesty" or "being a good host" so she went off to take a bath while everyone was hanging out right there.

She went to bed after finishing with her bath. Prayce got bored and went home, but Chelody and Kost stuck around to hang out with Gale, though Kost doesn't want to hear about your stupid bar graphs!

The next evening, Corri had her baby! Here's how it went down. (Apologies for the lighting in some of these pictures; it was nighttime and I didn't think to Photoshop up the brightness til after I uploaded them all.)

"GALE! I'm in labor, stop working out and help me!"

Meanwhile, a lady stopped by to invite Corrienda to join the gardening club. (I forgot to take a picture of her.) She just kinda stood there and hung out until the baby was born, and then was like "Hey, now that you're not busy, lemme invite you to join us sometime!" Totally not awkward at all.

Gale FINALLY stopped exercising and Corri was like, come meet this new baby I just had while you were busy doing your stretches. Gale said "Nah, I'm too stinky, I'm gonna go shower." Corri: "COME SEE THE BABY NOW!"

Picture is slightly off center to hide the stink clouds emanating from him. After doting on the baby for a Corri-approved amount of time, he hightailed it to the tub.

The buzzbox started going off - news must have traveled quickly! Corri headed upstairs to answer the box. I checked on something else, then came back to notice Corri gabbing on her buzzbox, but not holding the baby. Um, Corri, where is the baby?

NO, BAD CORRI! You do not just leave your newborn baby lying on the precariously narrow walkway to your second story house! You go pick him up this instant!

"So sorry, it won't happen again!"
Except, it totally will, Sim Corri, because Sims are stupid. Good thing you have a player and some major programming protections to cover your hide!

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