Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Feathermoon: Raidax

I mentioned before that I've experimented with custom meshing. Well, I've always wanted to do the paladin Judgment set, and Raidax gave me a good excuse to do so. Meshing can be a tricky process - besides getting the 3D model to look right, it has to be linked to the skeleton and all the files and everything, and there are a lot of points where it can go wrong. Like this:

Please, Raidax, do not smite me with your noodly appendages!

I got it worked out last night, though, and here he is!
The game said he needed a last name, so this is now Raidax Inquisisim. And now, we'll have some fun with him. Here are many pictures after the cut because I am so gleeful about my new 3D model.
He got an apartment in the same building as Lorelli, Kyraine, Illithias, and Slade, and then sat down for a solo game of chess.

He met Illithias, Slade, and Lorelli first. Lorelli was greeted with a high five.

After Kyraine came out, Illithias insulted Raidax. He didn't take it very well.

So Kyraine sat down and chatted with him for a bit. Raidax is into line graphs, apparently.

After she left, Lorelli said "What's that on your breastplate?" and then poked his chin. He didn't like that either.

He retaliated by throwing a water balloon:

She got mad and insulted him, and he cried some more:
"WHY IS EVERYONE SO MEAN TO ME?" I dunno, dude, I guess not being able to see your face really throws some people.

So Raidax went back to his apartment and consoled himself with an inquisi-sandwich:

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