Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Feathermoon: Lorelli, Lemuelle, Fenneous, Dorri'tow, Keltyr

A couple more people before I go to bed - just pictures, no story yet, because with small families you really need to have a bunch of people around so they go and visit each other instead of random dumb NPCs. Another couple apartments to fill and we should be in good shape.

Here's a Lorelli:
Needs moar daggers.

 Lorelli's thing is apparently jump-roping. She got the key to the apartment and then suddenly busted out the rope when I thought she was going to check out her new digs:

Here's Lemuelle and Fenneous:
I went in and tweaked their files so they are actually tagged as lycanthropes, so they turn into werewolves around 8PM each night. Will take pix when I have a chance to play that out! Also of note: while Lemuelle's lifelong dream of becoming a general in the Alliance armies kind of makes sense, Fenneous apparently has a secret wish of becoming a world-famous ballet dancer. Who knew, right?

Here are Dorri & Keltyr:
I went with an engineer look for Keltyr - I think he looks like he's going to lob some bombs at you. Dorri's fancy armor is very paladiny, but I know it doesn't necessarily suit her. She also has a sword and shield strapped to her back. Oddly, Dorri's top immediate want is to buy a bubbleblower.

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