After doing some messing around with poseboxes, I decided that I would try using the Sims to create images to go along with the text-based RP that Galedorin and I have done. It kind of took forever going since I don't have a lot of experience with this, but I'm sure it will go faster as I get used to what all the posebox options are and everything. All the captions are lifted from the chatlog. This, of course, represents a colossal misuse of my time but I hope other people will think that it's cool.
To clarify: Corrienda is very pregnant with their second child, and was put on pelvic rest prior to these events for fear of preterm labor. Their son Myrodan is present the whole time, it's just a pain to pose toddlers so I didn't mess with it. :P
Corrienda paints in watercolors a scene that is fairly abstract so far, but does include small figures in the lower right hand corner. |
Galedorin comes over to see what Corrienda is painting, giving her a reassuring pat. "What's this Dearest?" |
After she explains, he looks at her picture again. "You might want to make them bigger, it'll be hard to tell which is which at that size," he says, pointing to the small abstract figures. |
Corrienda smiles weakly. "I didn't really want to hang a giant picture of nude draenei in our home, so..." Galedorin smirks. "They're attractive in their own way. But yes, we should stick with nude kaldorei, or humans at least."
"Or, if it's for the walls, nude /nothing/." Corrienda shifts uncomfortably again as she regards him. "Gale, um. Is - is there anytihng you want to, ah, to tell me about?" |
"No, Dearest. Why do you ask?" Corrienda puts down her paintbrush and takes a deep breath before waddling over to the armoire. Galedorin follows lightly. |
Corrienda opens the armoire and sits on the floor. She leans and digs through things until she pulls out a set of photographs. Nude Night Elves and humans galore. |
"Where did they come from? Why do you have them?" Corrienda presses, turning the pictures over and over again in her hands. "A burlesque house in Stormwind and because they look nice," Galedorin says, straight up. |
Corrienda regards Galedorin critically. After a long silence, she says, "Take me there." Galedorin blinks. "Uh, pardon?" he says, taken aback. |
"Take me there. What was it called? I'll get a brochure when I'm in Stormwind tomorrow. We can pick the best show." She smiles tightly. "I didn't think you really indulged in this sort of thing. I am curious about the timing." |
"I thought the pictures looked nice." Corrienda shakes her head. "No, Gale, there's something else. You had to actually go in the building before you could even see the pictures existed." Galedorin snorts in frustration. "Their advertiser was one of the girls who wanted to sell me their services. I said I was not interested and then she mentioned the pictures." He grumbles. "I don't like to even think of infidelity to you." |
They relocate to the front room after putting the baby to bed. "Would you like me to recount the times I have thought of such Dearest?" Galedorin asks darkly. "Thought of what, infidelity?" Corrienda regards Galedorin warily. "Welll, I wasn't going to ask, but since you brought it up, go ahead." |
Corrienda listens patiently as Galedorin enumerates his examples, then sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose. "Gale." |
"Dearest?" Galedorin grumbles, more at himself. Corrienda sits beside him. "Gale, there is nothing wrong with lust. The problem, Gale, is being secretive about it." |
"Ah, ah I see. I am sorry for that. I have not been thinking as clearly as I should." Corrienda frowns lightly. "Gale, is there something else? You seem... distressed. This isn't like you." "I do not like it when I lack control over myself." |
"In the last days of Myrodan's pregnancy, I was still going outside and distracting myself with staying alive rather than staying home and taking care of both you and Myrodan." "Then go out there, Gale! You don't have to go to Orgrimmar, but there's plenty to do in Pandaria or even up on Hyjal!" Corrienda exclaims. "I have been worried about you being pent up in here for months. You're not a house-husband, you're a warrior!" |
"I'm still rather scared from Myrodan's pregnancy, though you are far, far better this time around." Galedorin clutches Corrienda close. "When Lafiel is born I'll get out more, I promise. But not until then." he continues, staring into her eyes. |
"Oh, Gale, I'm just as frightened as you are. But you must take care of yourself too. If not fighting, perhaps... manual labor? Teaching - there are plenty of new enlistments for the war..." |
Galedorin snorts. "Dearest, we're both concerned if I would act on my impulses and you want me to be among attractive, athletic and sweaty women as they engage in close-quarters combat." Corrienda swallows. "I just want you to work out your frustrations." |
Galedorin shakes his head. "Come, let's go to bed my Beloved." Corrienda whispers in his ear, and he shakes her head and gently moves her away. "No, I'm sorry, my Love. I love you and our children too much." |
Corrienda sighs and waddles toward the bedroom. Galedorin follows and lays a bedroll beside the bed, giving Corrienda a look that brooks no argument. |
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