Follow up RP to what I posted before! This was fun to make because it was just snippets of RP on
Feathermap and in-game. The entire exchange with the woman at the lounge is "real" but I got to flesh out the details. Also, this is labeled as a "Corri & Gale" story, but it's just Corri here.
Corrienda's in the same dress as she was wearing before because I forgot to change her... and I forgot to get her shoes. >.< Also, I had to crappily Photoshop a picture into her hand because I could not figure out how to get her holding a piece of paper on a community lot, grr.
The next morning, Corrienda got on the buzzbox to make some inquiries. "Does anyone know anything about an establishment called "The Stag Lounge?" |
Corrienda listened as her friends gave the place less-than-glowing reviews. "Why on Azeroth do you wanna know about that place?" |
Corise said that she could help Corrienda, and they arranged to meet up in Stormwind. "I'm just trying to figure out if any of these girls are noteable prostitutes or if they just posed for pictures - and if Gale has actually met any of them." |
"Oh yeah, I know her!" said Corise, pointing to one of the pictures. "She and I can... catch up, heh... while you go investigate the Lounge." |
Corrienda went to the address she had been given and hesitantly looked around. "Ah... hello?" |
A woman came to the door. "How can I help you, sugar?" Corrienda asked, "Ah - yes, I was wondering if you could tell me about a customer you had a few days ago - a large, shirtless Kaldorei with blue hair...?" |
"Oh, him!" exclaimed the woman. "How could I forget a chest like that?" |
"I tried my hardest to get him to purchase services, but fel, he was stubborn. At least I got him to buy pictures - maybe he'll be a repeat customer." |
"About that," replied Corrienda dryly. "I'm his wife, and I've come to find out what sort of shows you have here." The woman launched into a detailed explanation. |
"Those all sound, um, interesting," said Corrienda. "Do you have a flier or something I could take home?" |
The woman retrieved a pamphlet for Corrienda, who promptly turned to leave. "Bye, sugar, hope to see you again soon!" |
"Be sure to tell your husband he'll get 15% off for repeat business!" called the woman. Corrienda scowled. "There is not going to be any repeat business without me there!" |
Corrienda found Corise where they had met up before, though Corise had nothing interesting to report. "Thank you so much for your help, miss Corise!" said Corrienda. Now it was time to find a portal and head for home. |
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