Posed RP! This is from a chatlog from September 11.
Galedorin sneaks another kiss from Corrienda in appreciation of her dress.
He holds Myrodan up and zooms about. Myrodan is having lots of fun pretending to be a crow, yelping out flap flaps to tell Galedorin to lift him higher.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Download: Night Elf Hair Dump + Fixed Brows
If you make Night Elf Sims, you want this post!
The left swatch is for males, the right is for females. Sorry Night Elf Death Knights, I keep forgetting to make your gray. >.< Also, I don't use all the colors in each post - usually either Detonator or Afterburner is left out, depending on how bright the colors seemed. If you passionately want the hair in a color that I skipped, please leave a comment.All these color actions are by Pooklet except for Undine, which is by AlfredAskew. Most of the textures are by Nouk or Pooklet and were put there by Hat, but I'll tell you for each hair where it came from.
Also, I didn't do the side by side comparisons for every single color like I did last time. Hopefully just seeing the hairs in their Sims 2 glory is good enough!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
My custom neighborhood!
OK, so, I've slowed down in conversions and I've been posting up random stuff, because I've been hard at work on my own custom neighborhood. I am finally at a place where I can play and show it off! All the townies are custom-created and represent a spread of all the races represented in Warcraft. Here's some of them in the wild:
A human and a gnome:

A gnome talking to a night elf and blood elf (picture was meant to emphasize the gnome's height):

A troll:

A night elf:

And an orc:

Right now, the main neighborhood lacks tauren, undead, worgen, goblins, and pandaren. Three will get their own vacation neighborhood (goblins - Twiikii, pandaren - Takemizu, worgen - Three Lakes). I'm still working on skins for the tauren and I just haven't gotten around to undead yet. ;)
I'm in the process of moving all my previously-created Sims over to the new neighborhood. Stay tuned!
A human and a gnome:

A gnome talking to a night elf and blood elf (picture was meant to emphasize the gnome's height):

A troll:

A night elf:

And an orc:

Right now, the main neighborhood lacks tauren, undead, worgen, goblins, and pandaren. Three will get their own vacation neighborhood (goblins - Twiikii, pandaren - Takemizu, worgen - Three Lakes). I'm still working on skins for the tauren and I just haven't gotten around to undead yet. ;)
I'm in the process of moving all my previously-created Sims over to the new neighborhood. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Download: 2 Night Elf Male Hairs, Eyebrows, Beards
A few more hairs, this time for your Night Elf dudes, and eyebrows for ALL!
Unfortunately, the elder hair is totally borked and I couldn't figure out how to fix it, so there is no gray for this set. >.< Toddler-Adult should work just fine though. It looks a little piecey in the lighter colors since the mapping's weird and so are the normals, but hopefully it's not enough to keep you from using it.
Here's the gray and the turnaround:
I left the little hanging doodad at the end of the tail but it should be pretty easy to alpha out if you hate it.
These fellows are also modeling the matching beards (basegame originally retextured by Hat) and matching eyebrows (originally by TrappingIt).
Long (male)
This is mio0331's Sephiroth mesh from MTS. This isn't an EXACT match since the hair in front doesn't go down far enough, but I chose it because it's got the same peak in front the male hair has:
Long Braided Tail (male)
I can't find the page with the original mesh, but this is Rose's Kangxi Emperor hair. Hat originally retextured this, but I pulled the hair forward to cover the whole head. That also makes the wacky scalp mapping look a lot less wacky. Teen-Elder; child and toddler have heads full of fuzz. Mesh is included.Here's the gray and the turnaround:
These fellows are also modeling the matching beards (basegame originally retextured by Hat) and matching eyebrows (originally by TrappingIt).
facial hair,
hair: male,
night elf
Download: Night Elf Female Hair - Braided Tails
Here are some more Blizzard-match hairs for your Night Elves! This time it's the braided tails, one of the original hairstyles in the game and the one that Corrienda wore forever.
This is the basegame Maxis braids, but expanded to include all ages by Melodie9. Mesh is included.Originally retextured by Hat; if you have her "Secret Garden" file installed you can nuke my Time Bomb since they'll be the same thing.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Download: Night Elf Female Hair - Tomboy
So, I waded into the wonderful world of COLOR ACTIONS, because I wanted to see if I could make good matches for Blizzard's styles colors so people who wanted to create their characters in the Sims could do so more easily. This is my first Night Elf batch and I think it turned out pretty well! This is Tomboy, one of the styles available from the barbershop but not the character creation screen.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
May List of Stuff I'm Working On
Not that I think anyone actually reads my blog, but this helps me keep organized. :p Some of these are copied over from the April post, but there's a lot new as well.
- Fix the skins for the felhunter and beholder accessories
- Finish texturing succubus, import into game
- Create objects of imp, voidwalker, felhunter, beholder
- Create Felguard Sim
- Drake in sizes 2, 3
- Protodrake in sizes 2, 3
- Bearded dragon - size 1, giant size
- Corri statue
Reference list
- Need to finish!
Orc Project
- Tusks: I keep getting SO CLOSE but not quite. AF, TM, TF need to move down slightly
- Orc Guard uniform: Multishoulder (for HBB, SBB, BBG, AG) needs slight adjustments to mesh, recolors of harnesses. HBB bottom done, needs slight retexturing. SBB, BBG, AG bottoms planned.
Other Racial Skins
- Need to redo bottom meshes, and possibly start from scratch because I can't for the life of me remember where I cloned the first one from. >.< Need to extract other colors for a variety.
- Need to create chintacles, possibly have on the same accessory as the tail.
- Need to fix AM/TM horns, need to extract more horn varieties.
- Faces - recontour slightly, upload
- Need to create matching feet
- One skin for Bear BB/RenGal is done, hope to do a couple more
- Faces - fix cleft lip, upload
- Faces need slight recontouring, upload
Night Elf
- Have a couple made, need to decide on bodyshape. SBB/FM maybe?
- Embersilk, Robes of Insight, Hibernal Robes for Athletic Girl
- Malfurion's Garb
- Finish Lunar Festival suits for both male & female
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Download: Mooncloth Robes
I've been mostly focusing on genetics lately so I can build a diverse Warcraft-themed neighborhood, but I did get the Mooncloth robe done today for Sparkles! And they are in six different sizes and colors!
The white Mooncloth robe is the traditional garb of the Night Elven priestesses of the Moon. The blue and yellow ones are my favorite choices for formal RP functions in game, and while I've been chasing the purple/pink one for years, I've never been successful in finding it. The red/orange one and the green/yellow one are two recolors that are not available in game.
The white Mooncloth robe is the traditional garb of the Night Elven priestesses of the Moon. The blue and yellow ones are my favorite choices for formal RP functions in game, and while I've been chasing the purple/pink one for years, I've never been successful in finding it. The red/orange one and the green/yellow one are two recolors that are not available in game.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Download: Orc Skins and Faces
In making a Warcraft neighborhood specifically and a fantasy neighborhood in general, I've found that it's REALLY SUPER EASY to make elves but not so easy to make the uglier fantasy races. So, here's a little help!
First: four green skintones suitable for your orcs! Note that these are probably not suitable for goblins and other little green men because these are tied to specific bodyshapes:
AM: HBB w/toes by Marvine
AF: BBG by Marvine/BeosBoxBoy
TM/EM: SBB by Marvine/BeosBoxBoy
TF: Teen AG w/Sexyfeet by Cynnix
The textures are by Louis and were just recolored by me.
First: four green skintones suitable for your orcs! Note that these are probably not suitable for goblins and other little green men because these are tied to specific bodyshapes:
AM: HBB w/toes by Marvine
AF: BBG by Marvine/BeosBoxBoy
TM/EM: SBB by Marvine/BeosBoxBoy
TF: Teen AG w/Sexyfeet by Cynnix
The textures are by Louis and were just recolored by me.
Athletic Girl,
face templates,
Monday, April 14, 2014
Download: Blood Queen Lana'thel
So, I was playing my game, and the Countess whatever grand vampire wandered onto my community lot. My knee-jerk old-school RPer reaction was "oh man, there are no vampires in WoW!" But then I remembered this boss from Icecrown Citadel, and I thought about HOW COOL it would be if the grand vampire was actually this boss!
Blood Queen Lana'thel was the second boss in the Crimson Hall of Icecrown Citadel, the final raid of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. It was released in December 2009. The fight itself was really pretty fun - she would bite one person, who would have to bite another person, and then both bitten people would have to go bite two more people, and so on - and if you didn't bite someone, she mind controlled you and your friends had to kill you!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
April List of Stuff I'm Working On
Not that I think anyone actually reads my blog, but this helps me keep organized. :p
Reference list
- Need to finish!
Blood Queen Lana'thel Sim - done!
Outfit: Need to pick a different dress mesh and fix the boning on the wings.Hair: Augh, how do I do this? Need to fiddle around with adding groups or combining groups so I can add the doodads. This is hard. :p
Orc Project
Skins: DONE! I just need to take new pictures and upload them.- done!- Tusks: I keep getting SO CLOSE but not quite. AF, TM, TF need to move down slightly
Faces: Need to elongate the ears and reimport.- done!- Orc Guard uniform: Multishoulder (for HBB, SBB, BBG, AG) needs slight adjustments to mesh, recolors of harnesses. HBB bottom done, needs slight retexturing. SBB, BBG, AG bottoms planned.
Other Racial Skins
- Need to redo bottom meshes, and possibly start from scratch because I can't for the life of me remember where I cloned the first one from. >.< Need to extract other colors for a variety.
- Need to create chintacles, possibly have on the same accessory as the tail.
- Need to fix AM/TM horns, need to extract more horn varieties.
Two done, hope to do 1-2 more- Faces are almost done
- Need to create matching feet
- One skin for Bear BB/RenGal is done, hope to do a couple more
- Faces are almost done
Skins are done, just need to upload- Faces are done, just need to upload
Night Elf
- Have a couple made, need to decide on bodyshape. SBB/FM maybe?
Mooncloth Robe- done!- Finish making alpha dress for another size
- Malfurion's Garb
- Finish Lunar Festival suits for both male & female
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Feathermooon: Mayanna, Kelliana, Maurelm, Aurorawind
A few more before I leave town and cannot Sim for awhile:
Here's Mayanna's family:
Mayanna is there with her husband, her step daughter Thywispist has the green hair, Kesia is the child, Thywisp and Esheria are smooching in the lower right.
And here's a closer look at Mayanna and Kesia:
Here's Mayanna's family:
Mayanna is there with her husband, her step daughter Thywispist has the green hair, Kesia is the child, Thywisp and Esheria are smooching in the lower right.
And here's a closer look at Mayanna and Kesia:
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Feathermoon: Skyborne, Tirith, Ysani, and Dir
A couple quick ones:
Skyborne and Tirith!
I'm sure there's much better clothes that I could put Skyborne in, but I wasn't sure what, so as with Grenka and Astrani I went by the profile picture. :p
They were a pretty fun couple. First a pillow fight, then a water balloon fight...
Skyborne and Tirith!
I'm sure there's much better clothes that I could put Skyborne in, but I wasn't sure what, so as with Grenka and Astrani I went by the profile picture. :p
They were a pretty fun couple. First a pillow fight, then a water balloon fight...
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Corri & Gale: The Stag Lounge
MORE POSED RP. Well, sort of. This wasn't actually played out, just hand-waved. Just a few - and even these few took me all morning. /facepalm
Much to Galedorin's bemusement, Corrienda convinced him that they should go to the Stag Lounge together on a Friday night, where they had shows. The dancing girls were pretty good...
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Corri & Gale: RP followup
Follow up RP to what I posted before! This was fun to make because it was just snippets of RP on Feathermap and in-game. The entire exchange with the woman at the lounge is "real" but I got to flesh out the details. Also, this is labeled as a "Corri & Gale" story, but it's just Corri here.
Corrienda's in the same dress as she was wearing before because I forgot to change her... and I forgot to get her shoes. >.< Also, I had to crappily Photoshop a picture into her hand because I could not figure out how to get her holding a piece of paper on a community lot, grr.
Corrienda's in the same dress as she was wearing before because I forgot to change her... and I forgot to get her shoes. >.< Also, I had to crappily Photoshop a picture into her hand because I could not figure out how to get her holding a piece of paper on a community lot, grr.
![]() |
The next morning, Corrienda got on the buzzbox to make some inquiries. "Does anyone know anything about an establishment called "The Stag Lounge?" |
![]() |
Corrienda listened as her friends gave the place less-than-glowing reviews. "Why on Azeroth do you wanna know about that place?" |
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Download: Voodoo Robes and Robes of Insight
I had a fever today and didn't have enough energy to do more than curl up in my computer chair like a blob, so that means two dresses tonight. :p
Voodoo Robes
These robes date from the beginning of WoW and can be seen on troll NPCs all over the place. However, only the purple, yellow, and red versions (the last three in the picture) are available to players - the other three I pulled out from the game files.Monday, March 24, 2014
Corri and Gale: Real RP storytelling (3/20)
After doing some messing around with poseboxes, I decided that I would try using the Sims to create images to go along with the text-based RP that Galedorin and I have done. It kind of took forever going since I don't have a lot of experience with this, but I'm sure it will go faster as I get used to what all the posebox options are and everything. All the captions are lifted from the chatlog. This, of course, represents a colossal misuse of my time but I hope other people will think that it's cool.
To clarify: Corrienda is very pregnant with their second child, and was put on pelvic rest prior to these events for fear of preterm labor. Their son Myrodan is present the whole time, it's just a pain to pose toddlers so I didn't mess with it. :P
To clarify: Corrienda is very pregnant with their second child, and was put on pelvic rest prior to these events for fear of preterm labor. Their son Myrodan is present the whole time, it's just a pain to pose toddlers so I didn't mess with it. :P
![]() |
Corrienda paints in watercolors a scene that is fairly abstract so far, but does include small figures in the lower right hand corner. |
Cool find: Posebox Reference List
So, if you are using the Sims to tell stories beyond just what randomly happens in game, this file is amazing:
This lists like all the poseboxes and animboxes out there as of Feb 2012 (which, yeah, is 2 years old now, but that's still way better than a lot of Sims 2 reference lists you're going to find out there). It is a table with a picture of the posebox, the creator, where to download it from, and occasionally a little bit more info. A few links were broken, but for the most part it was super handy. At the end of the last file, there was a list of tutorials for how to make awesome pictures - which, as a total noob, I found to be WAY HELPFUL - plus dozens of other handy links for storytellers.
Feathermoon: Ilarra and Corise
Today, we've got Ilarra:
She's got a cute little cabin in the woods. She stopped to do some birdwatching on her way home.
She's got a cute little cabin in the woods. She stopped to do some birdwatching on her way home.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Download: Corruptor Raiment

I've gobs more pretty dresses to do, but I thought it was time I do another cool armor set! This is the Corruptor Raiment, the warlock armor set from Serpentshrine Cavern in World of Warcraft's second expansion, introduced in January 2007. (Yes, this is my third set of armor from that particular raid - what can I say, the art was amazing!) This outfit will be perfect for your evilest of Sims!
The armor is for adult male and female; there are no additional morphs (but I'm willing to go back and add a pregmorph if you want to tell a story about birthing hellspawn or something lol ). Male is based on SBB, female is based on Maxis. The armor has about 4000 polys and the hood has about 1000.

Unlike other hoods that I've done, this one is a hat in the hair section and will show up for Everyday and Outerwear. The idea behind this is that if you are smarter than me, you could replace your Atrociously Evil Witch's outfit with this one. The hairs for all the other outfits are mega lame Maxis ones, so you'll want to set your hair by outfit. Also: Since I cloned this from the ninja hood, it is possibly you might need OFB to make this work.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Download: Embersilk Robes
Continuing with the theme of "nice-looking dresses that my WoW character roleplays in" , we have the Embersilk Robes tonight. Again, like the Hibernal Robes they all technically have different names, so I picked one and stuck with it. These robes also date from WoW's beginnings.
They use the same mesh as the Hibernal Robes above (though if you downloaded it in the last 24 hours before this post, you should redownload because I fixed some minor texture mapping problems). Again, this mesh is high-poly because of the SexyFeet. And again...
Hurray for pregmorphs! (Though with the big belt this particular dress has, you may not want to use them.)
They use the same mesh as the Hibernal Robes above (though if you downloaded it in the last 24 hours before this post, you should redownload because I fixed some minor texture mapping problems). Again, this mesh is high-poly because of the SexyFeet. And again...
Hurray for pregmorphs! (Though with the big belt this particular dress has, you may not want to use them.)
Cool find: Hearthstone Cellphone replacements
It replaces all the cellphones in your game to be hearthstones! I know some people prefer the idea of a buzzbox for their RP, but I love how this looks.
It replaces all the cellphones in your game to be hearthstones! I know some people prefer the idea of a buzzbox for their RP, but I love how this looks.
Feathermoon: Yva, Tarquin, and Annalea
So, I went around to do a few updates to reflect current RP, such as making Yva be pregnant. (Gotta admit, I did it via hack - Sim!Yva and Sim !Tiberious haven't actually even met each other yet. >.>) Yva embraced her RP-inspired reality with gusto:
Once she finished with that, she headed to the common room of the apartment complex. Tarquin was there playing pool:
And Yva was like, Anything you can do I can do better!
Once she finished with that, she headed to the common room of the apartment complex. Tarquin was there playing pool:
And Yva was like, Anything you can do I can do better!
Corri & Gale: Fun with Poseboxes
Had some fun with poseboxes last night - MayPink's Pinup posebox, MayPink's Lovers 3 posebox, and Kitty's Against the Wall posebox. The couples ones were a pain in the butt to get working right - even with snapping objects to grid turned off, every time I'd get my Sims close to one another, they'd go sideways and all wonky. So frustrating! But I finally managed to get it. Maybe I'll try again tonight.
Pictures involve lingerie and are NSFW, so you can find them behind the cut.
Pictures involve lingerie and are NSFW, so you can find them behind the cut.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Download: Hibernal Robes
These robes all have different names, so I picked the one I remembered best. They date from the original release of the game and I picked them just because they are pretty - I often dress my character up in these for roleplay.
These are adapted from SozeKeyser's alpha mesh for 34D. It's a new mesh, though, that has UV mapping optimized for WoW textures, sexyfeet, and a pregmorph!
As a result there's a lot of polys. (Will edit this post when I can check just how many.) I might go back and make this a multishoe mesh, but for now, it's just barefoot.
Since I plan on reusing this mesh for a bunch of other robes, the download is separate. Make sure you download BOTH FILES for this to work in your game.
These are adapted from SozeKeyser's alpha mesh for 34D. It's a new mesh, though, that has UV mapping optimized for WoW textures, sexyfeet, and a pregmorph!
As a result there's a lot of polys. (Will edit this post when I can check just how many.) I might go back and make this a multishoe mesh, but for now, it's just barefoot.
Since I plan on reusing this mesh for a bunch of other robes, the download is separate. Make sure you download BOTH FILES for this to work in your game.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Feathermoon: Fells
Dwyndle, our resident gnomish nun, designed a ridiculous confection of a wedding dress for Fells. I had a vision of my head of how that would work and I had to realize it.
She's really supposed to have a ponytail, but that hat is SPOT ON.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Download: Lunar Festival Dresses
The Lunar Festival is World of Warcraft's analogue to the Chinese New Year, and its costuming, decorations, and activities reflect that connection. In WoW lore, it is primarily a Night Elven holiday based in the druidic sanctuary of Moonglade, though all races are invited to participate.
This dress (for Adult Female only) is based upon the Maxis long China dress, but is a new mesh with long sleeves and slits on both sides instead of just one. It is available in 4 colors and 2 sizes, Maxis (2234 polys) and 34D (2239 polys).
Both meshes have a pregnant morph, but only the Maxis one has a fat morph.
This dress (for Adult Female only) is based upon the Maxis long China dress, but is a new mesh with long sleeves and slits on both sides instead of just one. It is available in 4 colors and 2 sizes, Maxis (2234 polys) and 34D (2239 polys).
Both meshes have a pregnant morph, but only the Maxis one has a fat morph.
clothing: female,
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Download: Brown Demon Hunter
This collection of items is not an official set, but was put together by the folks at WoW Roleplay Gear. This brown, one-shouldered set is for leather-wearers and can be constructed from items in the original WoW game and its first expansion. The Illidari Warglaives, also known as the Warglaives of Azzinoth, were wielded by the supervillain Illidan Stormrage and are notable for being items of the highest quality level in the game. Their distinctive look and legendary status makes them some of the most sought-after items in the game.
The Adult Male demon hunter is based on the SBB bodytype, and has 7355 polys. The Adult Female is based on the Athletic Girl bodytype and has 7172 polys. They are so high because they have BlooM's SexyFeet.
The Illidari warglaives have 1864 polys. They attach at your Sim's lower back and otherwise do not move. The faint green glow around them is intentional.
The blindfolds are not mine; you can download the mesh from RoseSims and the black recolor from MTS. (The blood tears are not part of the blindfold recolor.)
Friday, March 7, 2014
Download: Vestments of the Dark Phoenix
This armor set for rogues was introduced in summer 2011 with the Firelands raid; all the armor sets from this particular tier have a fiery theme. Unfortunately, I don't know a good way to recreate particle effects in the Sims, so this lacks the cool fire breath from the bird shoulders and the smoke that rose from them. Nevertheless, your Sim should enjoy this outfit!
Both Adult Male and Female outfits come in purple and gold varieties; neither has fat or pregmorphs. Male mesh has 3785 polys and female mesh has 3643 polys.
The helm has 842 polys. The neck scarf should move with the neck instead of the rest of the helmet. A couple notes for using this helmet well: 1) You will want to use a bald head to prevent clipping. 2) This helmet includes eye masks. You'll want to play around with your Sim to figure out the best size and shape to work with them well, but once you've got it right it looks pretty cool from a distance.
Athletic Girl,
clothing:male and female,
tier 12
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